Meditech’s Long Handle ESD Foam Swab FS740E is a specialized cleaning tool designed for use in electrostatic sensitive environments. They are made from anti-static foam that prevents the buildup of electrostatic charge, which can damage electronic devices.
- التفريغ الكهربائي (البيئة والتنمية المستدامة) Protection: The swab’s foam material is specially formulated to dissipate electrostatic charges, preventing any potential damage to sensitive electronic components. This feature ensures a safe cleaning process without the risk of static discharge.
- Long Handle Design: The swab features a long handle that provides extended reach, allowing users to clean hard-to-reach areas with ease. This design is particularly useful in intricate electronic devices, such as circuit boards or delicate connectors.
- Soft and Lint-Free: The foam material used in the swab is exceptionally soft and lint-free. It ensures gentle and effective cleaning without leaving any debris or residues behind.
- Excellent Absorbency: The foam material has excellent liquid absorption properties, allowing it to effectively pick up and remove dirt, تراب, and other contaminants.
- فعالة من حيث التكلفة: These swabs are designed for single-use, preventing cross-contamination and ensuring consistent performance. Their affordable price makes them a cost-effective choice for industries that require regular cleaning of sensitive equipment.
الإلكترونيات, Semiconductor, Hard disk drive, Optics-electronic, TFT-LCD, IC, SMT, ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور, medical field, الأدوية, food processing and biotech industries.