
مسحة من الرغوة/مسحة ESD/مسحة غرف الأبحاث/

مسحة تنظيف رغوة ESD ذات رأس صغير

ماركة: ميديتك
نموذج رقم:FS-750D
مادة الرأس:100 PPI Polyurethane Foam
رئيس بوند: حراري
التعامل مع المواد:مقبض من مادة البولي بروبيلين
مقاس:الطول الاجمالي 78 مم, عرض الرأس: 3.5 مم
خدمة: OEM / ODM
عينة مجانية:متوفرة
ميناء: شنتشن
شروط الدفع: تي / ت, ويسترن يونيون, باي بال

  • تفاصيل المنتج
  • تخصيص
  • التعبئة والتغليف

Meditech’s Mini Tipped ESD Foam Swab FS750D is specifically designed for cleaning sensitive electronic components. They are made from anti-static foam that prevents the buildup of electrostatic charge, which can damage electronic devices.


  • التفريغ الكهربائي (البيئة والتنمية المستدامة) Protection: ESD foam cleaning swabs are specifically designed to dissipate static charges, preventing damage to sensitive electronic devices. They help to minimize the risk of electrostatic discharge during the cleaning process.
  • Safe Cleaning: ESD foam cleaning swabs are made from non-abrasive materials, such as foam or polyester, which are gentle on delicate surfaces. They effectively remove dust, التراب, and other contaminants without causing any damage.
  • تنظيف دقيق: The small and flexible tip of an ESD foam cleaning swab allows for precise cleaning in hard-to-reach areas, such as gaps, crevices, and corners. This makes them ideal for cleaning intricate electronic devices, circuit boards, الموصلات, and other sensitive components.
  • Lint-Free and Residue-Free: ESD foam cleaning swabs are designed to be lint-free and leave no residue behind after cleaning. This is crucial for maintaining the performance and reliability of electronic devices, as any residual lint or debris can interfere with their functionality.
  • Controlled Absorbency: ESD foam cleaning swabs have controlled absorbency, which means they can effectively absorb and retain cleaning solvents or solutions without excessive saturation. This helps to ensure proper cleaning and prevents the risk of over-wetting sensitive components.

Electronics, Semiconductor, Hard disk drive, Optics-electronic, TFT-LCD, IC, SMT, ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور, medical field, الأدوية, food processing and biotech industries.

رقم القطعة عرض الرأس سمك الرأس طول الرأس عرض المقبض سمك المقبض طول المقبض الطول الاجمالي
FS-750D 3.5مم 3.5مم 11.5مم 2.5مم 2.5مم 66مم 78مم


500 مسحات / كيس;
5 أكياس داخلية من 100 مسحات;
100 أكياس / حالة
وفقا لاحتياجات العملاء لتحديد



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