
ESD-sicherer Tupfer mit Schaumstoff-Polyesterspitze

Marke: MediTech
Kopfmaterial:Schaum , Polyester
Kopf Bond: Thermal
Griffmaterial:Griff aus Polypropylen
Service: OEM/ODM
Kostenlose Probe:Verfügbar
Hafen: Shenzhen
Zahlungsfrist: T/T, Western Union, Paypal

  • Produkt Detail

Meditech’s ESD swabs are manufactured using high-precision automated processes,  ideal für die präzise Oberflächenreinigung in kleinen Bereichen und kann eine Reinigungsvalidierung bieten. Tupfer sind aus Stoff oder Schaumstoff mit einer Vielzahl von Spitzen- und Griffmaterialien erhältlich, und Größen. Umwickelte Stäbchengriffe sind thermisch verklebt. Versiegelte Tupfergriffe sind thermogeformt. Tupfer mit ESD-Griffen eliminieren Schäden durch statische Elektrizität und sind bei allen Feuchtigkeitsniveaus wirksam.


  1. Anti-Static Material: ESD Safe Swabs are made from anti-static materials that have a high resistance to static electricity. This material prevents the accumulation and discharge of static charges, protecting sensitive components from damage.
  2. Low Linting: These swabs are engineered to have low linting properties, meaning they shed minimal fibers during use. This feature is crucial in environments where cleanliness is essential, such as electronics manufacturing or cleanrooms, as lint or fibers can interfere with the proper functioning of delicate electronics.
  3. Soft and Non-Abrasive: ESD Safe Swabs are designed to be soft and non-abrasive, ensuring gentle and safe cleaning of sensitive surfaces. They are commonly used for precision cleaning tasks, such as removing dust, Schmutz, and other contaminants from electronic components, Anschlüsse, or circuit boards.
  4. Chemical Compatibility: These swabs are compatible with a wide range of cleaning agents, solvents, and chemicals commonly used in electronics manufacturing and maintenance. They do not degrade or react with the cleaning solutions, ensuring efficient and effective cleaning without causing any damage to the cleaned surfaces.
  5. Precision Tip: ESD Safe Swabs often feature a precision tip that allows for precise cleaning in hard-to-reach areas or intricate electronic components. The tip can be designed in various shapes and sizes to suit different cleaning requirements.
  6. Ergonomic Handle: The handle of ESD Safe Swabs is designed for comfortable grip and control during use. This feature ensures ease of handling and reduces the risk of accidental damage to electronic components or surfaces.


Die Anwendungsfelder für antistatische Reinraumtupfer

Industrie, Medizin, Kosmetika, Elektronisch Fotoelektrisch, Staubfreies Zimmer, Festplatte, Optisches Gerät, Linse Linse, Drucker, Scanner, Chip, Labor, etc

Die Anwendungsfelder für antistatische Reinraumtupfer



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