
Reinigungskarte für den Geldschalter (76*159mm)

Marke: MediTech
Modell Nr:BNCC 76159
Material:Nicht gewebt
Lösung:99.9% IPA
Zertifikat: RoHS
Service: Erstausrüster
Kostenlose Probe:Verfügbar
Hafen: Shenzhen
Zahlungsfrist: T/T, Western Union, Paypal

  • Produkt Detail
  • Spezifikation
  • Verpackung

MediTech currency counter cleaning card is specially designed to effectively clean and maintain the optimal performance of your currency counting machines. Im Laufe der Zeit, Staub, Schmutz, and debris can accumulate within the machines, leading to inaccuracies and decreased efficiency. This cleaning card offers a convenient and hassle-free solution to keep your currency counters running smoothly and ensuring accurate counting results.

Merkmale & Vorteile

Economical Costs to maintain your Currency Counter in Routine Maintenance to prevent print error.
Raised cleaning waffles allow for a deeper and more thorough cleaning compared to conventional cleaning cards.
– Einfach zu verwenden: Simply insert the cleaning card into the currency counter as you would with regular bills.
Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaner will safely clean , Staub entfernen, schmutziger Fleck, und hinterlassen keine Rückstände auf der Oberfläche.


25 Currency Counter Cleaning Cards Per Box
Einzeln verpackt im Aluminiumfolienbeutel



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