MediTech’s Cleanroom Foam Swab FS-920 is with double round tip head swab which use 100% Compressed polyurethane foam and free from organic contaminants such as silicone, Amidas o ésteres de ftalato.. It is good choice to clean the small, slotted areas ,hard to reach place,like hole or groove and so on.
-Libre de silicona, amida y DOP
-Residuos no volátiles bajos
-Bajo en partículas y contenido de iones
-Compatible con los solventes más comunes
-No contaminating adhesives or coatings
-Laundered polyurethane foam head over thin, flexible paddle
-100 ppi open-cell structure
-Excellent solvent-holding capacity
-Thermally bonded head
– Limpieza micromecánica
– Elimina la contaminación de conectores y unidades de disco.
– Limpia eficazmente los pequeños, áreas de difícil acceso con solventes como IPA
– Elimine los residuos de fundente y el exceso de materiales.
– Para limpieza general
Foam swab technical Details:
• Connection–Complete thermal bond construction eliminates adhesive contamination.
• Cleanliness–Washed 3-4 times in EDI pure water to ensure the cleanliness.
• Handle–The handle is made with new materials without rough edges for a smoother surface
• Storage– Sealed packed swabs in the cool environment can be stored for 2 years so that you will
have no worries about the stock