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Comment nettoyer la tête d'impression Datacard CR805 avec un bâton de rodage

L'entretien de votre imprimante de cartes d'identité Datacard CR805 est essentiel pour des performances et une longévité optimales.. Le nettoyage de la tête d'impression est une partie cruciale de cet entretien. Dans ce guide, we’ll walk you through the process of using a lapping stick to clean your CR805 printhead effectively.

Understanding the Importance of Printhead Maintenance

Regular maintenance of the printhead ensures high-quality prints and prevents costly replacements. Dust and debris can accumulate over time, leading to poor print quality and potential damage.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process

1. Éteignez l'imprimante.

2. Déverrouiller l'imprimante, si nécessaire, and open the printer access door.

3. Remove the ink ribbon and retransfer film cartridges.

4. Open and remove the lapping stick from its package. Do not remove the pink lapping paper from the lapping stick.

5. Using gentle pressure, move the lapping stick back and forth along the full length of the heater line on the printhead.

6. Open a new cleaning swab and repeat step 5 again to remove any leftover debris loosened by the lapping stick from the printhead.

7. Replace the ink ribbon and retransfer film cartridges.

8. Close the printer access door and lock the printer, si nécessaire.

9. Allumez l'imprimante.

10. Imprimez un échantillon de carte pour vérifier la qualité de l'impression.

Click here for MediTech printhead lapping stick



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