
カードリーダークリーニングキット/ATM/POS クリーニング キット/クリーニングカード/

CR80 フラット クリーニング カード

ブランド: MediTech
素材:Pvc material, pre-saturated with electronic Isopropyl Alcohol
サイズ:54 バツ 86 バツ 0.711 んん
証明書: ISO9001, ISO14001
サービス: OEM
ポート: 深セン
支払条件: T / T, ウエスタンユニオン, ペイパル

  • 製品詳細
  • 包装

MediTech’s CR80 Flat Cleaning Cards are designed to clean the head and entire track of all smart card and magnetic stripe readers. These cleaning cards are formulated with electronic isopropyl alcohol (IPA) to effectively break down and remove built up contaminants inside today’s technology.

特徴 & 利点

  • 99.9% イソプロピルアルコールであらかじめ飽和させた: Isopropyl alcohol is effective in dissolving dirt, オイル, 残留物, and other contaminants that can accumulate on magnetic heads, card pathways, and other critical components of card readers.
  • 吸収材: The material has the ability to absorb and trap contaminants during the cleaning process, facilitating a thorough cleaning and preventing the spread of debris within the card reader.
  • 使いやすい: Simply insert the cleaning card into the card reader slot and follow the instructions provided by the device manufacturer for initiating the cleaning cycle.
  • 個別包装: The cleaning cards are often individually packaged to maintain their cleanliness and prevent the evaporation of the IPA solution.


Suitable for use with a variety of card reader devices, including ATM machines, POS terminals, card access systems, ticket validators, もっと.

50 ボックスごとのクリーニングカード




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