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Como limpar corretamente o equipamento POS

Ponto de venda (PDV) equipamento, como caixas registradoras, leitores de cartão, e telas sensíveis ao toque, são ferramentas essenciais em empresas de todos os tamanhos. A limpeza regular dos equipamentos POS não é apenas crucial para manter a sua funcionalidade, mas também para garantir a saúde e segurança dos funcionários e clientes. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to effectively clean your POS equipment, ensuring the safety of both your staff and customers.

Understand Manufacturer Guidelines

Before cleaning your POS equipment, it is essential to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommendations. Different manufacturers may have specific instructions or guidelines for cleaning their devices. Take the time to review the documentation or contact the manufacturer directly to ensure you are following the appropriate cleaning procedures for your specific equipment.

Power Down and Disconnect

Before cleaning any POS equipment, power it down completely and disconnect it from any power source or network connection. This step is crucial for both safety and to prevent any damage to the equipment during the cleaning process.

Use Appropriate Cleaning Agents

Selecting the right cleaning agents is vital to ensure effective disinfection without causing damage to the equipment. Generally, mild, non-abrasive, and non-corrosive cleaning agents are recommended. Álcool isopropílico (70% concentration or higher) is an effective disinfectant that is commonly used for cleaning POS equipment. Avoid using bleach, ammonia-based cleaners, or abrasive materials, as they can damage the equipment.

Cleaning Process

uma. Screens and Touchscreens:

Gently wipe the screen using a microfiber cloth or a soft lint-free cloth to remove dust and fingerprints.

Dampen a clean cloth with a small amount of the recommended cleaning agent or isopropyl alcohol.

Wipe the screen in a gentle, circular motion, paying attention to the edges and corners.

Ensure the screen is completely dry before powering it back on.

b. Keyboards and Keypads:

  • Use compressed air or a soft brush to remove any loose debris or dust from between the keys.
  • Dampen a cloth with the recommended cleaning agent or isopropyl alcohol. (Such as 99% Toalhetes de limpeza técnica IPA
  • Gently wipe the keys and surfaces, paying attention to areas that are frequently touched.
  • Allow the keyboard or keypad to air dry completely before reconnecting or using it.

c. Card Readers and Payment Terminals:

  • Use um pano macio, lint-free cloth to wipe the surfaces of the card reader.
  • Dampen a cloth with the recommended cleaning agent or isopropyl alcohol.
  • Wipe the card reader, focusing on areas where cards are inserted or swiped.
  • Allow the card reader to air dry completely before reconnecting or using it.

Frequency of Cleaning

Regular cleaning and disinfection of POS equipment are vital to maintain a hygienic environment. Establish a cleaning schedule based on the usage frequency of the equipment. High-touch areas, such as touchscreens and keypads, may require more frequent cleaning, especially during periods of increased customer traffic or in healthcare settings.



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