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Чем тампоны для чистых помещений отличаются от обычных тампонов?

Тампоны для чистых помещений are specialized tools used to clean surfaces in controlled environments such as cleanrooms, лаборатории, and manufacturing facilities. These swabs are designed to minimize contamination and particulate generation while effectively removing dirt, пыль, и другие загрязнения.

They are different from ordinary swabs in several ways.

Во-первых, cleanroom swabs are designed to minimize contamination and particulate generation while effectively removing dirt, пыль, and other contaminants from surfaces in controlled environments. Они специально разработаны для уменьшения вероятности образования ворса и других остатков., среди других специализированных функций.

Во-вторых, cleanroom swabs are made of high-quality materials such as foam or polyester, and they feature a plastic or polypropylene handle for an easy and ensured grip. The swab handle material is selected based on the appropriate amount of stiffness or give for the task at hand.

в-третьих, cleanroom swabs come in a wide range of tip materials, including foam, foam over cotton, knitted polyester, микрофибра, и хлопок, among others. Each tip material is formulated to offer specific benefits, such as absorption of cleaning agents or liquid contaminants, допустимая абразивность и вероятность образования ворса, и другие особенности. Some cleanroom swabs’ tips are formulated to offer additional benefits, including chemical resistance or antistatic and electrostatic discharge (ЭСР) характеристики.

Окончательно, cleanroom swabs are manufactured in ISO 13485:2016-certified and CE-compliant facilities to provide reliable, consistent performance.



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