
Funktionen och egenskapen för rengöringskort

I kortsystemet, kortskrivaren är den viktigaste terminalutrustningen. Kortskrivaren kan ställas in av ett bakgrundsprogram för att skriva ut porträttfoton, namn, enheter och annan personlig information på kortets yta. It can be used as identity confirmation to realize various smart applications. The daily cleaning of the card printer is the key to guaranteeing its service life, so pay special attention to it. Så, how to clean the card printer?


The cleaning tools of the card printer includestädkort ochrengöringsservetter, which can be used in different parts.

Use of Cleaning Tools

When cleaning the card printer, first open the printer and take out the ribbon, then tear off the packaging bag, and put the cleaning card into the printer’s card tray. Open the printing preferences of the card printer driver, select the Tools tab, and click the Printer Self Cleaning button to perform cleaning. The card will exit automatically after cleaning.

Take out the cleaning cotton swab and squeeze the cotton swab stick to make the liquid flow out to the head of the cotton swab. Use a cotton swab to gently wipe the print head of the printer (wipe in one direction). Wait for the liquid to dry and the cleaning is complete.



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