

在電子製造領域, 資料儲存, 印刷, 包裝, 製藥, 和紡織工業, 靜電引起的問題非常嚴重. 他們正在尋求補救措施, 而抗靜電清潔棉籤可以有效解決電子設備損壞的問題.

儘管可以產生超過 5,000 volts before they even exceed 5,000 volts, they are highly charged in a shocked form, and electrostatic charges can be a huge problem for small sensitive electronic devices. The Education for Sustainable Development estimates that 25% of all electronic equipment damaged for unknown reasons is attributable to static and ESD damage to the electronics industry, at $ 5 billion per year. Once an electronic device is exposed to an ESD event, the device’s circuitry may be permanently damaged, causing the device to malfunction.

Another problem is that dust or contaminants can also be attracted to the surface of your device and products by static electricity, which is not allowed. Dust and other contaminants can affect product quality and productivity. 例如, production was interrupted, production speed slowed, product quality declined, and more rejections occurred. 所以, in the production process, in order to reduce losses, you must use an antistatic cotton swab to clean.




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