
What Are the Different Types of Cleaning Wipe?

They come in a vast array of different types to suit every eventuality. Depending on what you want to clean, disinfect or sanitise it is crucial you select the right one. Using the wrong type could damage surfaces or sensitive equipment. Cleaning wipes are available in the following categories:

  • Germ and infection controlAntibacterial wipes, disinfectant wipes, patient wipes, medical and alcohol wipes
  • Equipment cleaning – Screen wipes, phone wipes, dust wipes, glass wipes and electronics wipes.
  • General-purpose use – Multi-surface wipes, wet wipes, hand and face wipes

MediTech Cleaning Wipes are Pre-saturated with 99.9% 電子級 IPA 解決方案用於證卡印表機和交易設備的預防性維護,以清潔熱敏印表頭, 壓板滾輪, 和設備的內部組件.
廣泛推薦用於清潔液晶電腦螢幕, POS終端, 自動櫃員機終端, 鍵盤, 標籤印表機和其他難以清除墨跡和殘膠的設備.




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